Thursday, March 19, 2015

Reading Response
     I am doing a reading response on the poem called "Violent Rooms" by Dawn Lundy Martin. I felt like this poem was very short and not that good. I think the author could have done something better with it and could have put more description in it along with detail and they could have just made it 100 times better. I am not a poem reader to begin with, and when I read this, I was confused to what was happening in the poem. I'm sure I'm not the only one who felt this way after reading this poem. 
     Also in this poem, it doesn't give much description to the wording or the meaning. I think this poem is trying to the readers about a time in the author's life in which she specifically doesn't want to say. It was just hard for me to wrap my head around and understand it. I feel like if we as college students can come up with stuff that's 100 times better, than so can well-known authors. I also felt like this author just wrote this poem just to have another piece of their work in the world. 
     All in all, I would not recommend this poem to anyone. Especially if they're not into poetry to begin with. This poem will only make them confused. Honestly after reading this poem, I remember why I don't like poetry and why I will probably never read it or understand it. This poem in my opinion, shouldn't even be a poem. We shouldn't have to read it, but I don't make the rules. I just didn't like it and I don't recommend this poem to anyone. 

-Colton Ryder

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