Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Reading Response

    I found the poem "The Scent of Verbena" interesting. It caught my eye because of the structure of the poem. I don't think I have ever seen a poem that was structured like this one. I always thought poems were short and straight to the point. I thought it was interesting because it's triangles put together. As I read through the poem I understood why it's structured like that. Some of the lines and words have a meaning to the shape or the point of the poem that they're in. At one point though, it got confusing to read it like it is.
     "The scent of Verbena" I thought was an attention getting poem. Of course it caught my attention with the structure of it all. If you read the first couple of lines in it though, it is really detailed. At first I thought it was way too long for a poem, because I always thought that poems were short and got straight to the point, but this poem is like a short story. I don't usually like poems, but this was definitely one of my favorites to read. The style of the words and the detail in the poem was interesting. One of the lines in the poem is "and his back lost the sunlight like a retreating boat growing cold and dark at the summit the sky was gray and cloudy as lead the clusters of Verbena." That really got my attention because, for me, I can picture that, and I don't like reading things if I can't picture them.
      This poem was one of my favorites out of all of them so far. Like I said, it had great detail in the wording and I could understand all of it. Of course, the the structure was what got me to even look at it at first. This poem over all was great. I loved the fact that it was like a short story and not like any regular poem. It should be recognized by everyone and read by everyone. It really makes you appreciate poetry if you don't already appreciate it.  

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